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Google Forms - Unable to copy paste Google Form Summary Chart or Graph to Microsft Word document

Google Forms is a survey software that is included in the Google Docs suite along with Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides. It allows collecting information from users through surveys. The collected information is automatically displayed in beautiful chart / graphs and is also available for download in a spreadsheet.
Google Form allows copying the chart so that it can be used elsewhere.

How to copy chart from Google Forms:

Simply click on the copy icon right at top-right corner of the chart or diagram.
google forms copy chart
You will get a message that it has been copied to to the clipboard in the lower left corner.

You can then paste it into the location you want to use it.  
Here's an example in a Google Docs.
Suppose if you are writing a report in Microsoft Word, and you want to copy the graph from Google Form into the document it can be done.Ideally.

However, when I tried today, I was able to copy the graph from Google Form but when I paste it in Microsoft Word, nothing appears.

I then tried to paste it in a document on Google Docs (, and it is working there. I looked up and I also saw a question on Google Support but without any answers to the question - "Forms: Chart copy/paste doesn't work?" 

Workaround :

You can copy the chart to Google Docs and copy it from there to use in Microsoft Word document. It works. But that is a long process.


Just use a screenshot of the chart from Google Form and paste it in Microsoft Word.
To get a precise screenshot, you may consider using Snipping Tool in Windows or Lightshot - a better screenshot tool.
