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With Overwatch, Blizzard might take on Marvel someday

 No, Overwatch is not an upcoming movie, if some of you may wonder seeing the title of this article. Overwatch is an upcoming FPS game from the makers of World of Warcraft , Blizzard Entertainment. Its a team based game like Counter Strike, Rainbow 6 , but instead of soldiers and all, we have ACTUAL heroes here ( I am soooooo excited!!! Ahem... *controlling myself*) which fight against some equally powerful villains (the history of both the groups can be seen in the trailer) , each character having specific powers and roles.

Combined with amazing graphics, unique locations and ingenious gameplay, Overwatch will try to make sure you get hooked onto it the more you play it. The gameplay trailer is at the end of this article, which gives you an idea of the level this 6v6 game reaches .

But first thing you should see is this cinematic trailer of the game....

And this is what I was referring to in the article title... I mean, after watching this trailer, 3 things that came to my mind were
1. DAMN!!! Ain't Tracer just simply gorgeous??!!!!! (xD)... seriously, I can't have enough of her "Cheers love! the cavalry's here!!!
2. When the hell is the movie for this coming out!!!
3. I wanna play this game!!!!!!!!

PS : I actually became a fan of Reaper too , apart from Tracer.... simply coz' he's just E-P-I-C!!!!

There are 12 characters in the game that have been showcased till now, but seeing the cinematic trailer, we can assume the rest will be playable too in the beta or maybe the full version of the game. The characters announced till now are

The game is set to release in 2015, even the Beta version will be released in early 2015, so will have to wait quite some time for this one (too). But , in the meanwhile, have a look at the gameplay trailer here . Also are available gameplay trailers for each individual character which can give you an idea about the specific battle styles and abilities of each characters, and make you more and more impatient for the game's release
