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Facebook Survey Stresses Consistent Across Different Platform Considering Current Workflow Pattern Among Tech-Users


The explosion of Internet-connected devices has created a new reality for the workflow of the average net users. Shopping that starts on smartphones might be finished on computers. A conversation could begin on a tablet and end on a smartphone. A work piece could start at your office desktop and end in the tablet beside your bed. Its the inevitable tread that should encourage compatibility and uniform formatting of the devices used by one person and the need for manufactures to be consistent across different platform.

The behavior behind how and why we switch devices is what Facebook and market research agency GFK set out to understand in a study released on Thursday. The study, which polled 2,004 adults in the United States, focused only on switching between devices to complete specific tasks, such as ordering concert tickets; it excluded switching between devices for different tasks.

Among the study's notable findings:
  • More than 60% of people use at least two devices per day; more than 40% use at least three devices.
  • Of those who use at last two devices, just more than half say they begin a task on one device and finish it on another.
  • That number rises to 77% for people using at least three devices daily.
  • This device switch typically involves increasing screen size (starting on a smartphone and finishing on a tablet, laptop or desktop).
  • Tablets may be considered a mobile device, but only 22% of users employ them on the go; 76% use their smartphones instead.
  • The study comes as marketers seek to gain greater understanding of the relationship between different devices and their roles in people's lives.

    In a recent study, Cisco found that more than 500,000 mobile devices and connections were added in 2013.

    The total number of mobile connected devices is expected to continue to grow as technologies like wearables become more common. Cicso projects that
     by 2018, there will be nearly 1.4 mobile devices per person on the planet. 
    by 2018, there will be nearly 1.4 mobile devices per person on the planet.
     "The days of just having a desktop computer or a laptop are kind of a long time ago now, and the rise of the smartphone and tablet mean more and more people having more and more devices," said Mark Bulling, custom market insights lead at Facebook.
 Changes in the technology of different devices have also altered their use, making this type of data a moving target.
    "I think they are evolving all of the time," said Oliver Robinson, technology researcher for GFK. "So obviously the way that the smartphone is perceived has changed over the course of the 10 years as differently functionality has come to it."

    Facebook said the data emphasizes the need for marketers to be consistent across different platforms and prepare for users to begin a transaction on one device and finish it on another device
