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The Innovative Difference Between Newly Launched Chrome 37 And Older Versions


Google has released Chrome version 37 for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Among the changes are better-looking fonts on Windows and a revamped password manager; you can update to the latest release now using the browser’s built-in silent updater, or download it directly from
Here’s the official Chrome 37.0.2062.94 changelog provided by Google:
  • DirectWrite support on Windows for improved font rendering.
  • A number of new apps/extension APIs.
  • Lots of under the hood changes for stability and performance.
The biggest change in this release is only for Windows users: support for Microsoft’s DirectWrite, a text layout rendering API that first arrived in Windows Vista, has finally been implemented. The question of improving how text appears in the browser on Windows was first brought up in the Chromium bug tracker back in October 2009 but Google only confirmed in June 2014 that it would be enabled by default in Chrome Canary 37.

Until now, Chrome used the Graphics Device Interface (GDI), which dates back to the mid-80s and the lower-resolution monitors of the time, to render text. Google says the switch “required extensive re-architecting and streamlining of Chrome’s font rendering engine.”

With release, users can expect better-looking fonts and increased rendering performance without changes required by Web developers. Unless you’re a designer or font aficionado, the difference is subtle until you actually update and start using the browser:

It’s worth noting that Chrome 37 beta included mention of a “new password manager UI.” While the password manager itself has not changed, there is a new prompt that comes up after you enter a new password.

In fact, it even now comes up for network credentials, which previously required some trickery for the browser to save.
